Archive for the 'Flash' Category

Dahab dive sites video

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

We are in the process of viewing the hundreds of hours of video that we have captured over the last couple of years. This will be edited down to about 30 minutes and made into a DVD for general release. In the mean time there is a five minute video clip of some Dahab, Sinai dive sites for you to view. There are also 45 Red Sea fish, Macromedia Flash video clips under the ‘Video Gallery’ sections.
Continue to a work in progress 5 minute Flash clip on the main site.

A pain in the Flash

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

Well M$ have released their latest bunch of fixes, which includes the Eolas patch. Microsoft has been forced to update how ActiveX components behave in web pages due to a patent wrangle with Eolas. The consequence being that all our Flash videos will be initially disabled until the user has enabled the ActiveX by clicking on the movie.

We’ve got around this by using some javascript which is widely available on the internet. One of the sites that has it and a fuller explaination is

Good old Eolas, I thought it was just M$ that were put on this planet to make my life difficult!

Red Sea video clips now available

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

We are in the process of compiling a library of short Flash video clips for quick viewing. Having finally got round to viewing the hundreds of hours of video we have, there isn’t much we haven’t got on film. If it moved we shot it, not literally of course. The aim is to publish 10 second clips of as many Red Sea fish as we can.
Continue to video galleries

Triple Depth Dahab Freediving Challenge

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

Dahab will be hosting an international free-dive competition on the 26th and 27th May. It will take place at the famous Blue Hole near Dahab, see the organisers Triple Depth for more details.
Continue to view some freediving video from the Blue Hole.