Archive for the 'Tanked Up News' Category

Marine decline

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

It seems like most weeks nowadays there is a new report of global warming/damage. There appears to be little or no real effort to do anything about it. Whenever environmental issues come up and they effect 4×4/SUV use or how much it puts us out, people ring in and complain about the price of petrol.

I read this report on the BBC news site today and I would recommend you read it too and then vote in a government that will :
1. Acknowledge there is a problem

2. Act now, rather than them saying what they think you want to hear, so that they can get into power

Stingrays and Steve Irwin

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

I saw an item that can be found on the BBC News about the follow up to Steve Irwins death. What sort of morons would want to to this?! I would have thought ‘fans’ of Steve Irwin would have some idea about conservation, I’m also sure he would have been pretty pissed off about it. It just looks like an excuse to act like a twat to me.

Dahab dive sites video

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

We are in the process of viewing the hundreds of hours of video that we have captured over the last couple of years. This will be edited down to about 30 minutes and made into a DVD for general release. In the mean time there is a five minute video clip of some Dahab, Sinai dive sites for you to view. There are also 45 Red Sea fish, Macromedia Flash video clips under the ‘Video Gallery’ sections.
Continue to a work in progress 5 minute Flash clip on the main site.

New News is good news …

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

Well we’ve jumped into the 21st century (6 years late) and loaded software to enable some feedback.

If there are any problems bear with us, it’s being tested now and should be bloody perfect by the end of June.

Red Sea video clips now available

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

We are in the process of compiling a library of short Flash video clips for quick viewing. Having finally got round to viewing the hundreds of hours of video we have, there isn’t much we haven’t got on film. If it moved we shot it, not literally of course. The aim is to publish 10 second clips of as many Red Sea fish as we can.
Continue to video galleries

Triple Depth Dahab Freediving Challenge

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

Dahab will be hosting an international free-dive competition on the 26th and 27th May. It will take place at the famous Blue Hole near Dahab, see the organisers Triple Depth for more details.
Continue to view some freediving video from the Blue Hole.

Dahab bombing

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

Dahab means golden sands. Golden sands should mean peace and tranquility, shouldn’t it?

As far as we know right now, no one we know has been hurt, but (again up to now) at least 23 people have been killed and 62 injured in the three bomb blasts last night in Dahab. Our deepest regret goes out to all the people who were so senselessly murdered last night. We also extend our deepest sympathy to all the families affected.

We can only hope that the cowards who did this will be caught very soon.

10am already

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

Martin alert as usualWell it has finally happened, the sleeping partner has woken up. Having spent the last 4 years in Birmingham, the sunshine of Egypt has won. Birmingham has more canals than Venice and more trees than any other British city. But well, you know … it’s still Birmingham!

So in the New Year he’s off to Egypt on a one way ticket to help out with the business. And dive like a maniac of course (nothing new there). He’s planning to go diving in Eritrea, but as they aren’t too friendly with Ethiopia at the moment, it may turn into more of a bullet dodging mission!

The new shop

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

Fantasea Divers (shop will be on the left)After a year in our shop in Masbat we are on the move. Much as we’ve enjoyed our time there, we have, as Marlon Brando might say “Been made an offer we can’t refuse”. For any horse lovers out there it didn’t involve a wake up call with Shergar’s head in the bed … thankfully.

We’ve been offered a site with Fantasea in their prime location at the Lighthouse. What can we say? We couldn’t refuse! So in the New Year we are upping sticks and setting up at Fantasea.

Don’t worry, there will be no disruption to service. We will still be out and about hiring cameras to anyone who needs them. Better pictures of the new shop will be uploaded soon.

A cold weather break

Monday, November 14th, 2005

Dean dresses for PompeyDean is taking a break in the UK until the New Year.

Much as the sun and Red Sea are a real pull to everyone, Dean chose Nov/Dec to go back to Pompey. Don’t ask me why, the UK, even in summer, is dodgy on the weather front, perhaps he just wants to remind himself why he’s out there!

Thanks go out to Paul for looking after the business while Dean’s away.