Oh how I love spam
Friday, November 17th, 2006Does anyone click on the bloody stuff? Do spammers live worth while fulfilling lives? Do they sleep well at night knowing that I’ve spent most of the day loading anti spam filters, deleting email addresses we’ve used for years, because they are now inundated with 200 emails a day full of complete shite!! Probably.
For some reason the last two days have brought it all to a head with the comments and emails both becoming unusable AND my web host being hit with a DDOS which has crippled it. Why can’t these half wits be prosecuted. It’s getting to the stage where most of your time is spent deleting or finding ways of blocking these fuckers.
I can sympathize completely with Simon Collison of Colly Logic, who coincidently posted this rather amusing rant on the same subject today. And he actually gets legitimate comments sent to him, so it must be infuriating. We’ve had very little feedback so it’s not really a problem to disable comments. If my glass was half empty I’d be depressed at the lack of interest in the posts, but my glass is half full, so it’s no real problem to ditch comments
Unless something can be invented to stop spammers, I give it five years and the internet bandwidth will be mostly taken up by these sad bastards, if it isn’t already.
If anyone knows a good way of preventing spam, please share. Well until this post gets hit too and I have to disable comments again! I’m not even sure if this will post due to the dodgy nature of my web hosting at the moment …