Archive for the 'CSS' Category

Spurs in Europe

Friday, October 27th, 2006

I’ve added an interactive map of Tottenham Hotspur’s full history in Europe, just because I can really. I’ll be adding a similar map for Pompey just as soon as I can find a map of the Isle of Wight :)

Continue to Spurs in Europe map

CSS background image gradient

Friday, September 8th, 2006

A new tutorial has been added to the css section. it gives instructions on setting gradient background images in elements. There are instructions on setting background gradients for paragraphs, pages and on hover. It can be used in conjunction with the GIMP gradient tutorial.

Continue to css gradient tutorial

Premiership/La Liga websites image rollover map

Friday, September 1st, 2006

Nine new css image rollover maps have been added to the site. They are European league sites including the English Premiership, Spanish La Liga and Italian Serie A football maps. Hover reveals the teams badge and also a tooltip with the teams domestic and European trophy wins. Clicking on the badge will take you to the teams website.

I hope to be updating the Spurs trophy tooltip this season, but after the first 3 games, it’s looking a bit unlikely!! Please God don’t let Pompey finish above us.

Continue to maps Premiership | La Liga | Serie A | Bundesliga | Ligue 1 | Eredivisie | Bwinliga | SPL | Champions League

CSS menu templates

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006

We’ve changed the menu to make the site more accessable, and it looks better of course.
In the process we messed around with a few css designs, so rather than ditch them completely, they’ve been added for anyone who wants to use them. There are five different flavours which you can use as a template and create your own from.
Continue to css menus

Ten steps to improve website traffic

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

The following has all been learnt from trial and error over the last 6 months. I’m not claiming this is the definitive article on improving your website traffic, not by any means. But these easy steps have improved the traffic on this website by over 600%, without paying for directory listings. I’ve added links to various free and very helpful sites, which will help improve your site accessability and popularity. Continue to improve website traffic

CSS image rollover map

Monday, July 31st, 2006

Another map has been added to the Dahab section of the main site. It is an image rollover map of the middle east. I thought people may be interested in that particular region at the moment, unfortunately.
There’s an explaination of how it works and you can download the html & css for it if you want to make your own.
Continue to css image rollover map

CSS photo gallery template

Friday, July 21st, 2006

I’ve added a tableless css photo gallery tutorial on the main site. It’s been tested on all the major browsers that I could get my hands on and at screen resolutions of 800×600 upwards. There are explainations of the html and css needed to make it work, along with templates to get you started.
Continue to css photo gallery

Kinda Blue

Saturday, June 24th, 2006

It’s summer, I’m through the dark phase, time for some light. Hope you like the new colour.

The new website

Wednesday, December 28th, 2005

The website has been revamped to make it cross browser compatible. It is now compatible with Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 and Internet Explorer 6. It is also valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional & valid CSS. Impressive eh? See the W3C validation site for what all this jibberish means.

Of course Internet Explorer 7 is due out any time soon (well that’s what Microsoft says …), but will only be available for Windows XP… nice marketing ploy! So no doubt more work will be required later to get round the usual bugs!

Perhaps you’d be better off joining the band wagon and start using more secure and free web browsers like Firefox or Opera. Go to 456 Berea St for an excellent article about this. 456 Berea St is also a fantastic source for very informative CSS help, the articles and links have helped immensely with this website.